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Today we took a break from all the business and headed west to Lawrence. It was a gorgeous day, and we started off by meeting up with one of our favorite professors. It was fun to see her and catch up on all the changes around school (and on her travels -- who visits Abu Dhabi in July??). Then we walked around campus (and spotted Thomas Robinson -- an esteemed member of the basketball team for those of you not in the know) before heading downtown for lunch and window shopping.But I want to fill you in on this photo. In the bottom right of the photo is Danforth Chapel. It's a small chapel (holds 90) and that's where Jamie and I were married. Yes, we are dorks who love our school. The building on the left side of the street with the large tower is the Natural History Museum, and next to it is an auditorium where I had many 7:30 am classes. That room is always overheated, and easy to sleep in, as I recall. I also recall that I got bonus points on my Cultural Anthropology final in that building for knowing random Bob Dylan trivia. Who said rock'n'roll wouldn't do me any good? Eh?And the next building down from that is the Kansas Union, where I spent hours and hours in college working to bring bands to campus, and where Jamie and I met. Sappy, yes? You're just gonna have to deal with it. This place makes me all sentimental.And on the far, far left is the football stadium where I have zero good memories because our football team sucked and really, the only sport that matters in Lawrence is basketball anyway.