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rock the garden 2012

What a day! When I woke up it was pouring rain and there was a 90% chance of rain all afternoon. This sucked because today was Rock the Garden, and if there's one way you don't want to spend a festival, it's in the pouring rain. But alas the clouds parted and it was lovely ALL DAY LONG.Today's festival featured Howler, Tuneyards (yes I'm aware they have preferred capitalization for that band, and I'll be damned if I'm going to start honoring such nonsense), Doomtree, Trampled by Turtles and The Hold Steady. And kids? Do I even need to tell you that Doomtree stole the show? Prolly not, but they did, and it was awesome. This here is Dessa just killin' it, and I love the sun flare behind her (I am me, after all, and we all know I get a little JJ Abrams about the sun flares) and I think with all that white she darn near looks angelic.I have a bunch of other shots from today that I'll post tomorrow. For now I want to go relax because carrying a ton of photo gear around all day is exhausting, especially when you come home to a kitchen floor covered in dog diarrhea*. Oh, you're sooooo lucky this blog isn't scratch'n'sniff.*And this time Merlin was the culprit, not our normal demon dog, Memphis.UPDATE: Photos of the day are now up over here. Enjoy!