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running with the wolves

1203wolvessmI am a total sucker for Natural History museums. Today I had some extra time open up, and instead of heading back to the office for work, I walked over to the Bell Museum of Natural History for a little "me" time. It was glorious. First, if you are a student or employee of the U, admission is free. Second, I was THE ONLY ONE IN THE WHOLE MUSUEM. I totally nerded out, reading about all the animals and taking photos of the dioramas. I'm not sure I'll ever visit another one of these museums without thinking about Sally Draper becoming a woman (Mad Men reference, for those in the know).Do you know what I learned today? That those are not chipmunks toying with my dogs in the back yard. They are ground squirrles and they were once mistaken for gophers and were called Golden Gophers and that's the mascot of the U. Interesting, eh!? Oh. Only just to me then.Well, lucky for you my internet share of the day today is FASCINATING. It is research that says our fears and phobias are passed down through generations of DNA. Currently wondering if any of my ancestors died while being chased by an ax murderer, while being bitten by spiders before falling off a cliff to their deaths. Hmmm....And as if that isn't fascinating enough, how about this wonderful read on what surprised people about America once they moved here. It covers everything you think it will and then SO MUCH MORE.