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saturday at the circus // week 13

08smLook who's sitting up like a big guy! This was a great week with Ezra as there was more playing with toys, some rolling over, modeling for a photo shoot, sitting up in the chair and on top of all that, his Bubie was back in town! He has been a happy, happy guy.Because my mother-in-law is here (meaning I have tons of free child care), I've been working like crazy and holy cow am I tired. So you're getting more photos than words today.Ooooo, but I have a doozy of an internet share for you today. Andrew W.K. has an advice column that I somehow never knew about. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Andrew W.K. he's... party metal? I'm not sure how else to describe it. But his advice column is RAD. Check it out.01smWe saw Santa at the Swedish Institute, but he wasn't taking visitors on his lap. So we might have to hit up a mall after all.02sm 03smIs this kid happy to start the day or what?04sm 06smHe was a little freaked out by the stark, white (hard) backdrop in the studio. Either that or gluten really freaks him out.07smBut luckily he warmed up to the camera in the end.09sm