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saturday at the circus // week 8

10smOh this cutie is having a good week. He's loving up his aunt and uncle who are visiting from Sacramento, and he got to go vote this week. And oh how the senior citizens loved seeing a baby at the polls.01smThis was his face when I told him his grandparents were staunch republicans. Yeah, kid. That look you have? I think my dad has it each time he hears about me going to see Obama.02smOne thing Ezra is doing more and more of (and loving) is practicing standing up. He can hold almost all of his weight up on his own, but he's working on balance. But man, he loves to try. This was a moment where he was standing on the ottoman with Dad's help.03smTummy time with Aunt Amanda.04smThis is what Ezra looks like when his dad burps him. I've been meaning to get this shot ever since he came home. Just look at that face!05smHere he is with Uncle Steve.06smAnd Aunt Amanda again.07smHere's some standing! And look at those adorable socks.08smOh hello, sweets!09sm