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saturday at the circus // week eleven

01smWhat a week. We had a holiday, a feast, a ton of basketball games, a sick collie, a well collie, dessert with friends, a well-behaved vizsla (!!) and a general lack of sleep. Plus I had several photo shoots and I joined a gym and started working out again. So yeah, I'm beat. Here are the photos of the kid from this week. He is such a charmer. Above, he looks like a dancer in a hip-hop video to me. Love those pants.02sm 03smHe got to meet Aurora (my friends Tom and Lora's seven month old) over brunch. WHERE IS HIS NECK IN THIS PHOTO? Tyra would be appalled.04sm 05smHe's not so sure about all the layers required for a Minnesota winter.06smAnd that was before we put him in the Ergo inside his dad's coat. I love this photo because it's the closest Jamie can feel to being pregnant. He even needed me to tie his shoes. Oh, it is so nice to be able to tie my own shoes again.07smGame day attire.08sm 09sm 10sm 11smHa! I love this one. Like he's just sittin' there enjoying the news and his coffee.12sm 13sm 14sm