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saturday at the circus // week five

01smWell hello there!We are having a pretty great time over here in Plesserville. Ezra's Bubie Carole is visiting from Kansas City this week -- for you fellow gentiles out there, Bubie is the Jewish term for grandmother. It sounds like "bookie" but with a "b" instead of a "k". And that concludes the cultural lesson for the day!Anyway, Bubie Carole looooooves Ezra, and it's adorable to see. And beyond holding him and changing his diapers and feeding him and loving him all day long, she's also doing tons of our laundry and dishes and even cooking for us. I'm featuring one of her recipes for tomorrow's Savory Sunday, and you should be sure to come back for that -- it's fantastic.Ezra himself had a busy week as well as we had his one month checkup at the pediatrician. Turns out our boy has grown 2.5 inches in the last 4 weeks! This puts him in the 97th percentile when it comes to his height, and now we are really honing in on our NCAA basketball dreams!Photos from the week are below -- enjoy!02smBubie and Ezra love making faces at each other during diaper changes.15smI love how he sleeps with his hands up by his ears.14smThis is one of my favorite outfits of his -- it reads "Bounce with me." We got it from his great Uncle Chris and Aunt Lynn in Boston.13smOh sure, there was a little crankiness this week. We hear weeks 4-8 can get a touch harder. So far Ezra isn't too bad, but since I do love crying baby photos, I had to snap a few. I'm thinking for the holiday card? Or his wedding?12smAh, see? Much better so soon.11smLook at that fierce determination! Or stubbornness. I suspect we'll see this look a lot.10smBut this one is pretty good, too... 09smA few nights ago, I caught Ezra and Jamie napping together on the couch. Loved that moment.08smHere it is from a different angle.07smMore time with Bubie Carole...05smWe've been working on tummy time a lot this week. It really pisses him off. 06sm04smOh hey! Magda! It's funny, when she sees me grab the camera, she tries to pose. She was the main subject for so long that I think she misses it. So I always snap some of her as well -- still adorable, yeah? 03smA marked man! Haha! I had an appointment this week and before I left Ezra with his Bubie, I gave him a kiss goodbye. Merlin could tell him all about the years of enduring Mom's lipstick on your forehead.