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What a lovely day. I slept in (hooray!), finished up a bunch of work (hooray!), went to a cookout (hooray!), had a photo shoot (which earned money, so hooray!) (see above) and then went to a mediocre dinner and saw The Avengers.Seriously people, this movie is FINE. But it is no great shakes. I suppose you've all been brainwashed by Radiohead into accepting mediocrity when it comes to entertainment (hang on while I make sure my comments are disabled...). I hate to burst your bubble (ha! get it! the photo!!), but this movie was only entertaining because it had my main man Robert Downey Jr. in it (who from here on out we will simply call RDJ) reciting the fantastic humor of Joss Whedon.I should have realized I'd feel this way since the majority of you LOVED the Batman movies, and I just can't get behind those either. But that's enough of that. Let's talk about dinnerJamie won some gift certificate to CRAVE through some golf tournament he played last month, and we decided to burn that up before the movie. MY GOD was that food expensive (especially for being so forgettable). I do not suggest you go there. Wait! Unless you want some solid people watching. It was at this meal that we delved into the very important discussion on why cutoffs are acceptable summer wear, but jorts are not*. Should you need clarification, meet me for drinks and I can wax on (and on and on and on) about this topic.*Let's also note that people were wearing both cutoffs AND jorts in a restaurant where your entree is about $30.