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Holy crap, look who finally made it out to another rock show!? It has been almost a MONTH since I saw a live show (the horror), and it was great to get back at it tonight with Savages at the Triple Rock. These ladies are all about the rock'n'roll, and they were a blast live. I don't think you'll catch me listening to their album around the house, but I'd love to shoot them performing any time I can. Such stage presence! And holy cow, that drummer is phenomenal!But before we wandered out to the club like our former selves, Jamie and I had a wonderful Sunday that included brunch at Lucia's (why don't we do this more?!) and then shopping at Magers & Quinn, where I loaded up on all kinds of books for the cabin. I bought four books, my dad just sent me one and Nyberg has loaned me four. I am doubting I will get through nine books next week, but the idea of it is thrilling!And since I'm itching for some time in the woods, I thought today's internet find of the day (two days in a row, my friends!!) would be my travel inspired board over on Pinterest. I post lovely travel pictures that I find around the internet here, and then I make trips based on these images. As you can see, Budapest and Prague were both on the board (check and check). I think Montreal might be up next, but one never knows... Where do you guys dream of travelling? And do you save photos like I do?