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savory sunday // amazing lentil stew

That up there is the most amazing lentil stew. I didn't take photos while I was making it because, well, let's face it. It's kinda ugly. But you guys! IT TASTES LIKE HEAVEN. Seriously. So please trust me and make this. Please.

Also? It's vegetarian and can be made vegan! And yet it's super filling. So let's get started.

• 3 carrots, peeled and chopped

• 2 celery stalks, chopped

• 1 large onion, diced

• 4 cloves of garlic, minced

• 6 cups chicken broth

• 1 cup lentils (dried)

• 2 14 oz canned, diced tomatoes

• 2 tsp garam masala

• 2 tsp paprika

• 1 tsp cumin

• 1 tsp cinnamon

• 2 tsp ground ginger

• 1 tsp mild curry powder

First, you line the bottom of a big pot (make sure it's large enough for those 10 servings...) with water. Heat the water and saute the onions and garlic until the water is gone (4 minutes or so).

Add the rest of the ingredients to the pot and bring it to a boil and then cook for 15 minutes. Add salt to taste (I did about 1/4 tsp). If you are lucky enough to own an immersion blender, use it to smooth out the soup. 

If you are like the rest of us, put 2/3 of the soup in a blender, puree it there, then mix it back into the pot with the remaining stew.

Let the soup sit for about 15 minutes before serving. 

Also? This soup is even better as leftovers. Yum.It's 124 calories per bowl, and totally filling. Which is awesome. Also? I got this recipe from my amazing doula and I will make it for the rest of my life.For your internet share of the day, if you are not trying to lose baby weight, you should maybe eat this eggnog french toast that has me salivating.