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searching for dinner

Man, these reports from the lake are dull for you guys. Today? Oh, you know, more napping, more eating, more reading (3 days at the lake, 3 books down), a sunset dinner cruise on the pontoon and ... more reading.I don't think I could live this quiet of a life all the time, but one week out of the year? It's bliss.On our evening's boat ride, we spied a fawn sipping from the lake, loons crying out warning signs because of this eagle, scouting for his dinner from above. Man, that's a wingspan.Jamie and I love the evening boat rides, but this was Magda's first, and she was... terrified. Her legs were trembling, tail between her legs, not wanting to look over the side of the boat. Poor thing.Merlin, however, loved it. He stood at the front of the boat (the bow? the stern? Sorry Dad!) and felt the wind in his mane like Leonardo DiCaprio's "King of the World." This guy is having a great vacation.Ah, and let's go over the books I've read so far:"Tell the Wolves I'm Home" - Great book, but sad. My favorite characters die."The Dog Stars" - Annoying writing style at the start (some English prof at some University is going to love it), but a good post-apocalyptic story. Again, my favorite character dies."How to be Lost" - Fantastic book. None of my favorite character's die. Because of this, it might be my favorite so far. I hate crying over books at the cabin unless it's Harry Potter -- then it's acceptable. These books are no Harry Potter. Perhaps I'll have another abbreviated book report tomorrow. We'll see.