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secret to success

Kids, it's time for some "real talk." I try to keep this space pretty upbeat and fun and positive and .... you know, happy. But this week has been tough (and I've had a little wine, as you can see above), so we're gonna get honest.Let's talk about work and success. Here is the lesson that I have learned over my many years in the workforce. If you want to be successful (or hell, screw success, let's aim for *liked* or *respected*) you need to do what you say you are going to do (and this next part is important) WHEN you agreed to do it.That's right. I fully believe that even if you do a mediocre (or even less than mediocre) job, but simply accomplish what you have promised by the time you agreed to, you have a 70% success rate. And if you have agreed to a deadline, and you are FAR from making it? You know what a good idea is? To tell the people who expecting your work. Because just not getting it done, and not telling anyone? That work doesn't go away. It simply pisses people off and makes you lose any ounce of respect you may have obtained prior.OK. That's enough of that. I'm sorry to be such a downer. Tomorrow should be a tad better. And Saturday? Saturday is Deer Tick, so you better believe that's gonna be a fun photo. Send me some good juju this week, in case you can't tell, I could use it.