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0402sharksmToday I had a shoot over at the aquarium. Oh, did you forget we have one of those in Minneapolis? I forget all the time. Because it's in the basement of the Mall of America. (Of course it is!)I've never visited because... well... I'm an aquarium connoisseur and I couldn't fathom that one in the mall basement would be worth the $25 admission. But! It was much cooler than I thought! First off, let's remember how  happy I am at an aquarium. It doesn't take much, people. I could gaze at those sea horses and jelly fish and sharks all day long. Also!? This aquarium had saw fish! I've never seen one of those in real life before -- it was awesome.And the best part? Someone was paying ME to be there!? What a life, I tell you! Sometimes I have to just take a step back and be so grateful to have such a fun and exciting job.For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to these cool gold leaf easter eggs. Fun craft project! And I hate crafts!