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show no. 1, band no. 2

Wow, what a night! I picked Mere up and we headed over to catch Astronautalis and Why? for an early show (doors at 6 pm!). I know he's on this blog a lot, but I might as well confess right now that there are a handfull of musicians who a) make fantastic photos and b) make fantastic music and c) make me want to sing/dance at their shows. And I will photograph those bands every single chance I get. Off the top of my head, they are the blondie up above, P.O.S., Titus Andronicus, Macklemore, Free Energy, The Joy Formidable and Deer Tick. I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones that are so fantastic that I can remember them at 2:39 am.This show was even more fun because he played a TON of old songs that I've never heard live (or a few that I could hear a million times, including this gem).And after watching the 3 bands that played this show, we grabbed dinner and headed to another one (where we caught three more bands). Lucky for me, they didn't go on until after midnight, and now my photo for tomorrow is taken care of! So you'll get to see that (along with more from this set) tomorrow... I hope.