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shrooms, man

1019shroomssmHow beautiful are these mushrooms!? I had a shoot at the farmers' market today (oh hey there, it was about 36 degrees... it was kinda chilly) and I bought these bad boys to bring home for dinner. I think I'll sauté them into a sauce for some meat. I didn't buy them with a specific purpose in mind, but I certainly couldn't pass them up.My shoot today was for Progresso Soups and I got to photograph a chef of theirs shopping at the market for ingredients, demonstrating how to make roasted pumpkin soup from scratch, and then all the people at the market sampling the soup. Overall, it was a pretty fun assignment as a) I love taking photos of food and b) I am a big fan of the farmer's market (as documented here before).For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to see these fascinating before and after photos of what a hair and makeup team can do. Because I worked on so many fashion shoots for, I have seen super dramatic changes similar to this before. And yet? There is still so much work done in photoshop in fashion magazines. Truly amazing.