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Sixteen months later

Back in December of 2011, I ordered that necklace up there from my favorite store in Asheville, NC, called Hip Replacements. It's designed by one of my favorite jewelry artists, Amber Hatchett, and I was so excited to get it. The thing is, it never arrived. I have had a notoriously bad time with my mail at this address, and I have called several times to complain to the local Post Office. Each time, a package has not arrived after the tracking number says it has been delivered. Each time I call, they say the package was delivered, and the post man remembers delivering it. Then in the next week or so, it mysteriously arrives. Ahem.

This necklace was the first thing to go missing from my mail back then, and it was the first item that I did not call on (I didn't have a tracking number for it). But last Saturday? It finally showed up. With a postmark of Dec. 23, 2011. And yes, I realize the irony since it's a St. Christopher's medallion (patron saint of travel).

Yeah, I can't imagine why this branch of the government might be having business issues.

For your internet share of the day, I'll send you over to "Reasons My Son is Crying." I don't have children (obviously) and this had me cackling at my desk. I think if you *do* have kids, it might be even funnier.