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Remember last week when we went out to the gay bars to say goodbye to Matt and Bryan? Well tonight was the official goodbye. A few of us met up with the boys at fancy schmancy La Belle Vie to sit by the fire and share a few last laughs. My favorite part of the evening was when Bryan was trying to order a cheeseburger, and all they served was some sort of fancy lamb burger with high-end goat cheese and he's saying, "Yeah, um, can I just get that with American cheese? That's my favorite. And can you skip the yogurt-whatever sauce and just use ketchup and mustard?" If only there had been a McDonald's across the street, my dear.So the bad news is that I will miss them terribly. The good news is that a) I'll get to see Matt again in March in Austin, and b) I'll have a free place to crash when I finally make it to the 930 club in DC. Which will have to be sooner rather than later.*This photo is of the chandeliers at La Belle Vie. I told you it was fancy.