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so! many! dogs!

1108magssmAre you tired of the dog photos? I was thinking today that a concert or food shot might be a nice change of pace, but to be honest, my life this week has revolved around these crazy mutts of mine even more than usual. So it's another dog photo you get.Merlin's back legs have gotten way worse and he's lost interest in food and lost 3 lbs in 2 weeks, which is a lot for a dog. So we were back at the vet today just to check in and make sure there were no new developments. We are very curious to see how the acupuncture goes on Monday...Beyond that, Magda peed in the house a few times this week, which is very unlike her. And she is having, shall we say, other digestive issues. So the vet asked that I bring in a stool sample (lovely). Since she was peeing so much, I thought she might have a urinary tract infection, and decided I would bring in a urine sample as well. You should have seen me get that sample. I had visions that it would be like the Three Stooges, but I was a total pro! Until I decided to transport said urine in a disposable tupperware the spilled and leaked all over on the drive to the vet and there was none left to test upon arrival. Yeah. Awesome move, Plesser.The good news is that Magda's other issues should be squared away in short order. The bad news is that I'll need to collect and deliver another urine sample this weekend, and there's nothing we can really do for Merlin besides make the poor guy comfortable in his old age.Have I mentioned how much it sucks watching dogs get old. BECAUSE IT TOTALLY SUCKS.And after all of that drama today, I invited the amazing and wonderful Chris  (of the wonderful Palm Springs posts this summer) over for dinner, and we had a fabulous time. It was so nice to catch up and eat ice cream (Izzy's maple nut, FTW). I built a fire before he arrived because that sometimes mellows Magda out, and I am looking for any and all solutions to the "attack guests with jumping and kissing" issue we are having with her. Alas, it did not help.For your internet share of the day, how about some stunning photos of Venice, Italy? I doubt you've seen images like this before...