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so much tastiness

0928dinesmToday I had four different shoots for an upcoming project (that I will surely tell you all about when the people that hired me give me the green light), and I got to photograph some AMAZING places. This was one such spot, and omg the smells and the music and the location and the sights? It was glorious. I love how the water in the mason jars is all frosty. This was my first shot as I was adjusting my camera for the light before any food was plated.Man, today was fun. I want more projects like this, please!Today you (kinda) get two internet shares of the day (both from my lovely friend Margaret who scours the web like no other). The first is a map showing all of the Sasquatch sightings in the last 92 years. There are even some in Kansas! Fascinating.The second share is a story about Vince Gilligan (who wrote 'Breaking Bad') is starting a new TV series called 'Battle Creek.' For those of you who don't know, I lived in Battle Creek, MI for my first 11 months out of college, and it was the absolute most miserable time of my entire existence. The only bright spots were when I escaped to visit Jamie in Los Angeles before I joined him there, and the crazy dog I adopted (Maudee, the neurotic sheltie). And if you don't believe me about the craziness that was this town, take me out for wine and ask me about my neighbor who would often wake me up with her sex screams. Her real-life name was Barbie. Her stripper name (because yes, she was a stripper) was Candy. You cannot make this stuff up, I tell you.