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sparkly and new!

Soooo, no Monday at the Madhouse today. Very sorry about that, but I've been stuck in bed sick ALL DAY today, and the rest of the weekend was spent taking care of a vomiting Ezra. Our holidays were not necessarily ideal, but at least we were not traveling when this monster of a stomach bug hit the family. To be honest, normally I would have just skipped a post today. Yes. I'm *that* sick. But! But today is the launch of my new pretty website! I've been working with the amazing Margaret on it for a few months now, and I'm so excited to show you around. So I had to blog something :) Alas, here is my Christmas tree. Nothing too special, but something shiny and new to go along with my beautiful new site. And hopefully, tomorrow, I'll have a few images from the holiday to show you. We'll see. I' gonna be honest, there was so much nursing of the ill going on, that my camera was not my top priority.Soooo, no Monday at the Madhouse today.Very sorry about that, but I've been stuck in bed sick for the last coupla days, and the rest of the weekend was spent taking care of a vomiting Ezra. Our holidays were not necessarily ideal, but at least we were not traveling when this monster of a stomach bug hit the family.To be honest, normally I would have just skipped a post today. Yes. I'm *that* sick. But! But today is the launch of my new pretty website! I've been working with the amazing Margaret on it for a few months now, and I'm so excited to show you around! So I had to blog something :)Alas, here is my Christmas tree. Nothing too special, but something shiny and new to go along with my beautiful new site. And hopefully, tomorrow, I'll have a few images from the holiday to show you. We'll see. I' gonna be honest, there was so much nursing of the ill going on, that my camera was not my top priority.