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spoiled rotten

Memphis had a rough morning. Her legs gave out on her a few times and she was sleeping hard. It was incredibly sad. But then some company stopped by and rang the doorbell and man alive you would not know she was sick. This girl jumped up and ran for the door to meet the stranger, tail wagging and everything. But later she crashed hard from that excitement, and it was a rough afternoon. So as the day wore on, we needed something to make this girl happy again.

You know how I have a photo studio at the house? And how I photograph dogs down there? Yeah, I have a secret stash of dog toys that I use to work with client pups. And Memphis here always bolts downstairs after every shoot hoping to find a toy I forgot to put away (she often succeeds). And I usually run and put them out of her reach immediatley, and she is extremely frustrated not to get to play with these toys.

So today we brought out her favorite of those toys, the grunting racoon. As you can see from this photo, she is surrounded by toys. We're doing all we can to keep this girl happy these days.