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springtime with the families

17smMan, this week has been busy! I had four shoots last weekend and four shoots this week (two of them were full 8-hour days). To say I am a bit backlogged on my photo processing would be an understatement!Tonight I finally wrapped up one of my family shoots from last weekend, when the weather, the light and the flowering trees were all working in my favor.I wish I had more news to report, but sadly I'm just working my tail off and doing it on hardly any sleep. Tonight for dinner I had a handful of tortilla chips and salsa and for the second night in a row, I'll be crawling off to bed around 9. You would think this would mean I was well rested, but since Ezra was up from 2:30 - 5:30 am last night, you would be wrong.Have a great weekend everyone! Wish me good sleeping juju!For your internet share today, this dog reminds me of Magda so much. This is totally something she would do.