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still winter

So I woke up this morning and thought I would take photos of my office before leaving for the day. Um... yeah. It's Wednesday! That means I leave the house by 7 am! And ya know what? It's still dark then. So I waited until 7:15, shot what I could, and left for school.The photos were ok, but the room looked pinker than it should because of the early-morning (sunrise) light. And then when I was leaving class, I stepped outside into this lovely snowfall. So that's the photo you get instead.Don't you worry though, I promise office photos before the end of the week (I'm way too proud not to show it off). Now I'm going to finish watching perhaps the worst KU basketball game that I've seen in years and then stumble off to bed.On a brighter note, tomorrow is the last day this week that I have to work on that damn PC at the office. And yes. I still count the days. The new system is just that bad.