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Tonight? Tonight was one of those nights that I just love the city I live in. It was the Four on the Floor vinyl release party at the Triple Rock. There were no advance tickets sold, and the boys sold out the club. Awesome. Also? The Evening Rig opened, and you know how much I love seeing those guys live. I saw a ton of my buddies there, and the music was great and overall it was just a helluva good time. Except for the little bit of hacking.Yes.Yes, I am still sick. Is this ridiculous or what? I literally stayed horizontal on the couch ALL DAY today, finally getting up and getting dressed around 9. Now, I didn't stay that way because I was too sick, but because I was trying to rest before the crazy week ahead. And man, is it crazy. Tomorrow? Bridal shower >> Birthday party >> Concert. All fun. All wonderful. But yeah, I gotta heal fast.PSWant more photos of the show? Look no further.