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stressed. out.

Blondie here hasn't been feeling too great lately (might it be all the toilet paper she's eating? No? How about all those Christmas cards she is eating before we can even open them? Eh?). But seriously, she has lost her interest in food, which has us kinda worried because despite all of her *many* issues, hunger has never, ever been one of them. In fact, she's even chewing up the toilet paper and SPITTING IT BACK OUT. That's one sign of how we know something is wrong. So off to the vet we went.We got blood work, urine samples AND an x-ray taken. We are still waiting for the results, but right now we are a tad concerned because her spleen looks too big. We'll wait for the full radiologist report next week. And yeah, this is as expensive as you think it might be.Otherwise today was full of work. We were planning on going to see Stuck Between Stations tonight and then heading over to the after party. But instead, we made an amazing steak dinner and had some wine and then decided to rent a horror movie and stay in instead. I think it's cuz the house is all cozy and decorated for Christmas. And it's cold out. So staying in seems so wise...