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summer evenings in the woods

0601trackswI loved this image because when I look at it, I can smell summer and I can hear the bugs and I can feel the damp air. I snapped this between portraits last weekend as I was tromping around the tracks with a lovely pregnant mother, her husband and her 3-year-old boy.Summer evenings for me have meant a lot of cooking dinners, feeding the family, bathing and getting the kid into bed, then grabbing my camera gear and meeting clients in spots like this one. I love that I have daylight until 9 pm right now, I'm not gonna lie.Another thing I'm doing a lot of these days is trying to think of presents for graduation gifts. Because of that, I'm including a few ideas in the internet shares today. Happy Wednesday!+ I don't have a microwave, but if I ever get one I want one of these.+ An uncle of mine got me this for my own high school graduation, and I still use it all the time. One of the most useful gifts I got, hands down.+ This would have come in very handy when I lived in the dorm.+ This is not a graduation gift. This is an... "anniversary gift" that I hope to receive some day? Hahahaha. A girl can dream.