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summer flips!

0807rubysmHow cute is Ruby there?!? I've been taking photos of this little girl's family for ... three years now? Four? I'm not sure -- but long enough to really love seeing her and her sister grow up. Tonight we had a shoot in the woods and at a park (only two bug bites found so far!) and then they invited me back to their house for some ice cream with sprinkles. Yeah. These girls are awesome. While we ate, they told me their favorite national anthem (Russia) and all about their love of dragons. It was pretty awesome.The rest of the day was spent shopping for supplies at Ikea and Target and Cost Plus and Marshall's. So yeah. I'm gonna hit the hay now.Oh! Your internet share! I loved this piece on tips to stay looking super cute in ridiculously hot weather (hello, August!).And! That last wedding I shot is posted over on the Rivets and Roses blog today, and it's a stunner. You should check it out over here.