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summer bounty

Hello late summer vegetables! How amazing are these carrots! Jamie picked them up this morning at the farmers market while I stayed at home in my jammies. Because the day after a wedding? I do not have enough energy to put on makeup. Or pants.So I just do a little work here and there and then lay down and play with the dogs a bit. Sometimes there's napping. Usually it's a lot of drinking coffee and staring off into space letting my brain recover. I'm not sure why weddings take such a toll on me, but remember last summer when I would do 2 in a weekend? HAHAHHAHAHAHA. Yeah. I'm too old for that now.Tonight we're going to roast these carrots along with a ton of other veggies and eat them for dinner while we watch the last of Downton Abbey (we've been slowly catching up this summer). Roasted veggies, a PBS program, and I'm skipping a show. This is what getting old looks like, kids.**But don't you worry, I'm not entirely boring. We did rework our vacation today so we could get added days in Budapest. Woot!