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summer's end

0920lakewI was photographing some clients this weekend at this lake, and I loved the light and the bugs and the ripples on the water. I'm not sure what it is, but something about this light just says "end of summer" to me. You can just tell that autumn is only a few weeks off.Also? Besides this photo? How amazing are these crisp mornings we are having? Coffee tastes so much better, and holy smokes am I ready for this broken toe to heal up so I can tackle some long walks with Magda again.In the meantime, let's all enjoy the internet a little, shall we?+ I love this article on how the women in the White House banned together to ensure they were heard in meetings. I cannot even begin to count the number of times I have been in meetings and made a suggestion that was ignored, then brought up 5 minutes later by a man, who then got credit for the idea. The steam out of my ears, I tell you. So obviously, I liked how these ladies did this.+ While I have a hard time pairing down to an exact capsule wardrobe, it is a goal each season. This post inspired me for fall. + And speaking of fall, I would like to own this blanket.+ And here's something to eat in my favorite season.+ And for parents: An interesting idea on how to cut down on tantrums.