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sunrise in midtown

Yesterday morning, I woke up on my own 20 minutes before sunrise. I often decide, "Ok, I'll shoot that early morning thing for the blog if I naturally wake up in time." And this time I did.So again, I threw on the clothes, did nothing with this wild mane of mine (I mean, considering it's NYC at sunrise, I figure these locals have seen crazier), and jumped on the train down to mid-town. I wanted the sun coming through the tall buildings and to capture the long shadows of early morning commuters.Honestly? It was ok. I'm not sure what else I wanted, but it was really cold out and a lot of trouble for these few shots. But still, the way the light pours in from between the buildings captivates me. Next trip though, I think I'll go further south to SoHo because the cobblestone streets might add what I missed.Today I'm back in town briefly and then flying out to Cleveland for a commercial gig. I am just guessing that this trip won't exactly provide the same material as NYC, but I hope I am proven wrong. Again, no time for the internet -- too busy exploring. I hope to fill your cups with internet time wasters next week!