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sunshine! and warmth! and parks!

0510leosmI got up early this morning for a family session (outside! in the warmth!) and man, thank god it's May and we can do this again, eh? This is Leo. I've been photographing him for a really long time, and I cannot tell you how fun it is to step in every year or so and see how these kids grow up! I met the family at Groundswell coffee (which was amazing, by the way and everyone should go there stat) and then we walked to a nearby park for some photos and shenanigans. A great start to the weekend!Also today we attended a dog birthday party (stop your judging -- it's super fun!) and then met up with a few friends at the new Hola Arepa restaurant in town. The food was really great (and holy cow, the drink menu looked amazing!), but the service still has a lot of kinks to work out. Give it a few weeks and then go try it!For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to Humans of New York. I always love reading the snippets and quotes from the subjects, and they recently photographed the Met gala so there are celebrity bits as well! Here is a tidbit from Chrissy Teigen (John Legend's wife, the hot supermodel): "He broke up with me once. For a day." Go check it out!