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0803jamessmSoooooo... how pretty is this new site, eh? If you're reading this through a reader, please click through and admire the design of the "real" site, just this once. My amazing friend Margaret redesigned it for me, and holy cow is it better or what? Also? One of my favorite features? If you hover your mouse over a photo.... see it? YOU CAN PIT IT TO PINTEREST?! How fun is that?? Wow, I love that Margaret.So we* just took the site live a few hours ago, and we'll be poking around editing and checking on things all weekend. If you see something wonky, please let me know. You can comment here or email me or use the shiny new contact page -- just let me know if stuff looks broken.Unless you are using Internet Explorer 6, in which case you need to get a life and update your stuff. Seriously.Now, about that photo up there! I shot this guy and his family tonight over at the lake, and this is an outtake that made me laugh out loud at my desk. I wonder if he'll have that same expression when he's stealing cookies from the cookie jar? Or beer from the fridge? Anyway, I thought it was hilarious. And that child right there? He's only 10 months old! Ha! And you don't see it in this photo, but he's an amazing flirt. And you know I was smitten because the family brought their dog to the shoot, and I'm showing you the kid instead. See? Miracles do happen.Now, let's get back to the Internet Share of the Day, shall we? Today I'm going to feature this amazing photo project by James Mollison. Now, I saw this project a few years ago, but I am pretty sure it was before I started sharing links with you all. And even if I did tell you about it, it's worth another look. In this project, Mollison takes portraits of children from around the world, and then photographs their bedrooms. It's called "Where Children Sleep," and it is mesmerizing. Enjoy it here.*And by "we," I mean Margaret. While I truly enjoyed the huge amount of knowledge I gained in designing Shuttersmack 1.0, I went ahead and hired out version 2.0 in order to retain any sense of sanity I have left.