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surprise party!

Tonight we went to the Cardinal Bar for a surprise party for some friends/clients of mine. I adore this couple so much -- and they're having a baby at the beginning of April, and it was so fun to catch up with them again. But this bar the party was at? Man, it was AWESOME. It was the perfect "Minnesota" bar. Everyone was super casual and friendly and they had pull tabs (a gambling game for all you out-of-state readers -- similar to Keno maybe?) and they had posters up for a chili cooking contest and they had signs up for Bingo night as well as the weekly Meat Raffle. I am pretty sure that's a Minnesota thing as well -- the good ol' meat raffle. You know, where you go to the bar and buy tickets hoping to bring home the meat. SO MANY JOKES, and yet this is a real thing here.Anyway, we had some pretty solid bar food for dinner and then the couple showed up and the birthday boy was surprised and then I snapped a few shots of him playing pool before we left. A totally fun and casual night. Now I'm gonna go snuggle under some covers and catch up on this week's episode of The Americans. Are y'all watching this? You should be. And that link back there will let you watch it on the Internet in case you are one of those people that doesn't get FX.Oh! And for all you Kansas fans out there... or well, fans of watching super athetic men dance around a locker room... you should check out the Jayhawk's Harlem Shake video. It had me laughing, anyway...