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sweetie pie drop-in

0325HelensmThis morning I was working at my desk when I got a sweet note from my buddy Mere who wanted to stop by with her latest charge. OMG THIS CHILD IS ADORABLE.So while Mere and I caught up on life for 30 minutes or so, she played with some of Ezra's toys and snacked on blueberries. And then I asked her if I could take her picture. While doing this, it became obvious that this cutie really liked my camera. Like, she liked to hold my camera and play with it. Luckily, I have several small antique "toy" cameras she could play with, and that's how this image was born. Cutie.I have a few internet shares for you today. First, I would love, love, love to have this table for a kid's room. Also? I love the whimsy of the color in this bedroom. And lastly, how about some adorable photos of Don and Peggy?