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tables turned

What is going on here? Today... today was a bit of a role reversal. See, tomorrow (or rather, today since it's past midnight), Jamie and I have been married for twelve years. TWELVE YEARS. As my buddy Julie says, "Well, it's ok. Everyone knows that you get married at 15 in Kansas anyway." Ahem, right.So for his big gift, I hired my fabulously talented buddy Margaret to do a couples session for us, because we never have photos of each other *together.* Sure, I have about five gazillion photos of Jamie (which is nothing on what I've got of the dogs), but I rarely let myself get photographed. Here's the secret: I hate having my photo taken. I know! Right?But today, we were good sports and posed and kissed and hammed it up for Margaret. The light was lovely and the scenery was perfect. And maybe you want to see one of these photos? Well, I have a treat for you. First off, here's a sneak. Secondly, I'm taking tomorrow off for the first time in the history of forever, and I'm handing over my photoblog to Miss Margaret herself. So she'll post her favorite shot from the day here. (See? I get a day off and you still get a fresh photo. Everybody wins!)We will return to normally scheduled programming on Tuesday, when Jamie and I are nestled deep in the south of Tennessee. Maybe you'll get scenery. Maybe you'll get hillbillies! Who knows! It's an adventure!Oh yeah! And tonight we went and caught the always fabulous Frank Turner playing at the Triple Rock. Hey boys of the world, here is the perfect equation to win the ladies* heart: 1) Arm tattoos 2) Guitar skillz 3) European accent 4) Love of punk rock. I mean, really, how can you go wrong?To see photos from the show, I posted them over here. Knock yourselves out! And I'll see you on Tuesday...*Ok, Ok, my heart