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taking a moment

0213showersmMoments to myself these days are a bit few and far between. Wait. Let me clarify. Moments to myself in which I'm not working, catching up on emails or trying to keep the business going while on this maternity break (that ends on Tuesday) are few and far between.And this head cold? Man, could I ever use some time to myself. So Jamie got home from work today and I handed him The Spawn and went upstairs to soak in a warm bath. Oh you guys, I just don't do this enough! It was pure bliss.I would normally give you internet shares in this spot, but Jamie and I have a DATE tonight, and I want to go use this time to make myself fresh and pretty. If I can escape the house without dog/baby drool/spitup/hair on me tonight, it will be a modern miracle. Fingers crossed for such sexiness!