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tea, fall color and time by the fireplace

1024feelwThis weekend was lovely in that the weather was fantastic enough to where we spent the days outside wrapped up in layers, playing in the sunshine, and the evenings sitting by fires, sipping tea and reading. We also went to the zoo, had our own family photo session, went out for breakfast, raked leaves and watched our new favorite show on PBS. Oh! And on Saturday, Jamie and I got a sitter and celebrated our seventeenth wedding anniversary with a fancy dinner and a bonfire with friends. SEVENTEEN YEARS. I feel ancient.Anyway,  back to the photo. I loved the color coming in through the windows this weekend, and you guys know I love the steam off of hot tea or warm food. This image feels like fall mornings or early evenings to me. The best.For your internet share, please go read this story about a rapist who took forever to prosecute. This enrages me. I'm glad he was finally punished, but I would hope attacking and raping three women would call for more than six years in prison. And when I think about his fraternity brothers helping to cover up his crimes, my blood boils.