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team team best team (#ttbt)

Date night! With my man! And damn, I earned it with all the house cleaning around here today. It was like 1955 up in this joint with all the scrubbing and organizing and vacuuming. Lord. But then I got to go out to dinner with Jamie to the new WSK restaurant, then we stopped by Nye's, one of my favorite spots in town, for a media holiday party before heading over to the movie theater to catch the new Doomtree documentary, 'Team Team Best Team.' It was just showing once on the big screen, but you can buy it on DVD for holiday gifts etc. And you know what? I AM IN IT! For like 1.2 seconds while they pan the crowd, and I'm there with my camera. But whatever, I've never been on the big screen before! And what a surprise!It was a fun night out, and it was great to see so many friends all in one evening. But I can't believe it's already Thursday, and my two days of pure vacation are over. Friday it's back to the grind... but don't you worry, I have something adorable squeezed in there to surprise you with tomorrow.