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the city I love

post by leslie

Many days, when I'm driving the kiddo someplace (swim lessons? grocery store? studio? zoo?) he sees pedestrian bridges over the freeway and tells me that, "Someday, I want to go across one of those bridges. Will you do that with me, Mommy?" I always say yes to these requests (I've even promised to go to Neptune with the kid if we can figure out how!), and this weekend we were parking near the Electric Fetus (our favorite store in town) where they were celebrating Record Store Day, and I realized we were right near one of those bridges.So up we went!The view from that particular bridge is pretty great, as you can see, but I loved watching Jamie carry the kid back off the bridge when we were done. I tried to warn Ezra about how loud and overwhelming it would be above all those lanes of traffic, but he didn't really understand until we were there. Ah well, you live and you learn.For your internet shares of the day:+ I've been following this musician / fiddler for years as he backed other vocalists I adored, and now he has his own album out! On Third Man Records! Exciting! It's far more country than I normally like, but whenever I listen, it makes me want to take Jamie back to The Broken Spoke in Austin, TX for some dancing. Maybe you'll like it as well.+ This woman has freed thousands of slaves. I learned so much reading this fascinating interview.+ Forests and dogs combined? Another reason canines are the best ever.