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the drive to oregon

1011drivesmHello from the beautiful state of Oregon! We slept in this morning, then did a bit of shopping before renting a car and heading south. We stopped in Aberdeen to see the Kurt Cobain memorial (man, do I understand that guy's depression more now), and then we stopped again in Astoria to see the Goonies' house! How fun was THAT!?!But the best stop was right outside Olympia when we stopped for some BBQ that we read about online. It was fantastic! Jamie celebrated his birthday today by eating brisket, ribs, chicken AND pulled pork along with biscuits and garlic fries. I had brisket and fries. And I think it's safe to say, that we have been full ever since that meal.For your internet share of the day, I'm going to cheat and send you to see the rest of my photos so far from the trip. My favorites are from the aquarium (octopus! jellyfish! sea otters!) but that's because we all know how much I adore animals. Enjoy!