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the mighty mississippi

0804mississippiwLast week we took Ezra down to the Mill City Farmer's Market (one of my favorites in town), and afterward we walked across the Mississippi River on the Stone Arch Bridge. The river is really high (and rough) right now, and I shot this image of it rushing below the bridge. But what I liked best, was that when I flipped it to a black and white image, it resembles marble to me. A fun optical illusion.Also, am I aware that I am posting a ton of black and white water photos this year? Yes. Yes I am. But do I love them anyway? Absolutely. Maybe I should frame them all and hang them in one room of the house...Anyway, today it's supposed to rain and (hopefully) cool off this ultra muggy and miserable heat we've been having. Finger's crossed! In the meantime, your internet shares:+ A refresher on how to feel and look awesome in the heat (yes I've posted it before, yes I think it's worth it).+ An interesting look at the styling of food photography (you know I love stuff like this...).+ Amazon shopping tricks! I shop on Amazon *at least* once a week, and I didn't know many of these!+ This site has a minute-by-minute prediction of who will win the election. I am hooked.