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the princess and the pea

1007magssmYup, the goofball is eating her own tail. She's a genius, I promise.Sometimes I feel bad that I'm not posting more photos of Merlin over here, since he is such a dreamboat, and he's the best dog I've ever owned in my entire life. But the thing is, he just doesn't do these stupid, crazy things like Magda (as seen above). I will start to post more photos of him -- I don't want you to forget how beautiful and sweet the old guy is -- but for this week, we'll focus on the Vizsla.One of the best parts about raising a puppy, in my opinion, is seeing their personality develop. While Mags was Trouble from the start (as most pups are), now that she's 10 months old, we're seeing some consistent personality traits come through that are both endearing and not so much. For example, she likes pillows. And cushions. And blankets. I don't mean to snack on (although sometimes, maybe), but I mean she likes comfort. You will never, ever find her sleeping on the floor. She's on a couch on top of all the pillows. Or on the bed, on top of additional blankets that she has rounded up. Even in her crate, she has dragged in blankets and rugs into a sort of nest that she snuggles into. It is pretty cute, and because of this we now call her the Princess and the Pea.Other traits, that are maybe not so endearing, include her need to be the boss (wow, I wonder where she gets that from!). We have to tell her several times a day that we are in charge, often by holding her down, belly up, and having a long staring contest (nose-to-nose) to prove that we are dominant. So yeah, that's kinda tiring. But if you don't do this, she barks at you and tries to eat off the counter, and will even try to take the food OUT OF YOUR DINNER BOWL while you are eating. So, that's absolutely not okay, and we're working to fix it.Something else we learned this week? She's not afraid of thunderstorms. That's a good thing. So far, her only real fear is the vacuum cleaner (mwahahahaha).For your internet share of the day, I'm sending you to some amazing photos of snow monkeys. Man, I would love to do a photo project like this some day. If any of you want to pay me to go take photos of monkeys for a bit, you just holler, mmmkay?