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the aftermath

So after shooting for six hours in the heat yesterday and then bolting for my car in the rain, wind, mud and tornado sirens, I came home and took a shower, dried my hair, got dressed, and headed out to another rap show. Stop the insanity, right?Anyway, it was the "after party" for Soundset, and Atmosphere, who was supposed to headline the festival (which had about 20,000 people) was now going to headline the after party at First Ave (which holds about 1,500, I believe). So it was a cool show to seeThis photo is from P.O.S' set that happened around 1:50 am (which makes it allowed for today's image). Wow, you're thinking. That must have been a short set since bar close was at 2. Yeah... not so much. When the set was over and I left, around 2:20 am, the show was still going strong. But at some point, you just have to realize you are too old to be out shooting your 12th hour of rap music at 2:30 in the morning and that it's time to go homeIf you want to see other shots from the party, they are up over here. Seriously, check out that mirrored disco "ball." It rotated and everything.