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the calm before the...

Today it was about 80 degrees outside. Or so I hear. (I was at my cubicle all day, but it did look lovely out.) When I left the office around 6, it was probably 70 degrees and just a touch humid. I thought since it was so lovely I would head over to the lakes real quick and see if people were out and about. I saw a few, but to the west there were some Very Dark Clouds moving in, and most people appeared to be packing it in from the lakes (except for this dude, who I did catch out on the water).When I got home the sirens were all going off and I wanted to run out and snap some images of the heavy rainfall, green clouds and hail (um... and then after that I was gonna head straight to the basement Mom, I promise). But as soon as I got my camera all wrapped up and a memory card in, I opened the front door... and it stopped. Grrr.I was supposed to meet up with Nyberg for dinner tonight, but lucky for me she had to cancel. One thing about this extreme weather? It wreaks havoc on my sinuses. So me and this headache are off to bed early tonight.