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the eight year old

So here's a little tip from me to you: Do not, under any circumstances, ingest a Mucinex tablet on an empty stomach. Hooooo boy. Last night I was coughing up a storm and was worried I was keeping others awake. So I tiptoed downstairs and took one of these bad boys and about an hour after that woke up cough free, but in the fetal position pretty sure I was about to barf up all of my organs. Yeah. And you know how long it lasted? ELEVEN HOURS. Dontcha just love those 12-hour pills? Man-oh-man. That was rough.So this morning I stayed home from work for a few hours hoping I could sleep off the nausea (ha! haha!) and finally stumbled upstairs from the sofa to find Merlin sitting here on my chair. Let me explain that next to this chair is a twin bed. But no! He doesn't want the luxury of the long twin bed! He wants to be all squeezed into the chair -- hilarious. Also, I should have mentioned this earlier, but yesterday was his birthday. So he was spoiled all day long with belly rubs, treats and allowance on all of the furniture. I like how he's trying to push this into day 2.