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the evening rig

Since The Evening Rig didn't go on until after midnight last night, I'm using them for my photo from today. I should also say that the guy on the right, Jason, is the lead singer for the Rig. The guy on the left? He's ... uh... an enthusiastic audience member who works(ed?) at the Fetus and who I used to see all over town but don't know his name (embarrassingly). However, he was a very enthusiastic fan of the Rig, so his points just shot up tenfold in my book.

I didn't shoot much fresh this afternoon because I was in a dark movie theater enjoying "Oblivion." Man, this girl LOVES a good sci-fi movie -- even if it does have Tom Cruise in it.

I've made it a goal for 2013 not to work on Sundays, and I'm happy to report that despite a random hour or two here or there, I've stuck with it -- we'll see if I can keep it up through the summer. But my favorite part of this new rule is that the house is clean, laundry folded and a wonderful meal in our tummy by the time Mad Men starts at 9. Not a bad way to live.

For my internet share of the day, I'm sending you over to the Guardian in London. It is one of my very favorite newspapers -- I fell head-over-heals for their reporting and design when I studied in London in 2008. They published this take on the terror attacks in Boston, and always think an outsider's viewpoint is refreshing. Plus? I happen to agree with this 1000% percent. Enjoy.