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the first day of spring was 29 days ago

This morning I looked out the window, and all of the snow in the front yard was melted. And now? Now it's completely covered again. This blizzard moved in today, and last I heard we had gotten up to 9 inches of snow in some areas. On April 18.

But I'm going to tell you that it was a lovely snow. Huge, thick, wet flakes perfect for snowballs and snowmen. I luckily found a traffic-free route home (thank you Google maps!) and then Jamie and I walked four blocks to a neighborhood Italian restaurant that has AMAZING food for super high prices. But that pot roast? Worth every penny.

After dinner, I took my boy Merlin for a snowy walk, and then we all gathered to watch Jeopardy, because I have a friend/former coworker on the show this week AND SHE WON $21,000 TODAY! How exciting is THAT? So if you watch, cheer on Judy tomorrow. I know I will.

My internet share of the day is an op/ed piece by Gabby Giffords on the Senate's vote on gun control. "They should have honored the legacy of the thousands of victims of gun violence and their families, who have begged for action, not because it would bring their loved ones back, but so that others might be spared their agony."