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the kicks matter

My man got some new kicks today, and I dig 'em. But we all know I'm a sucker for orange.It has been a longstanding conversation piece between us on how I judge people by their footwear. I know it's shallow. I know some of you will find that ridiculous. But I think you can tell a lot about someone by their choice in footwear and if the style they have in their wardrobe really carries down to their feet.Back in the day when I was single, I often would dismiss a guy because of his shoes. Birkenstocks? Crocs? Clarks (the casual variety)? Sorry dude. Cons? Vans? A nice European dress shoe or boot? That's what I was looking for. Anyway, a few years ago we were on a trip and a strange woman approached Jamie at the pool table to fawn over his footwear. See guys, it matters.