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the morning after

Mmmmm... bacon.... and syrup....This is how we started our day today... around 11 a.m. I rarely indulge in breakfasts that include bacon AND syrup, but man, that is one hell of a way to bring in the new year -- especially when you're fighting off a tiny champagne headache from the night before. Am I right?The rest of the day was spent either on the sofa watching TV or at a friend's New Year's Day party where I got to meet a media law professor from the U of M. So... you might not know this about me, but I was an uber geeky media-law lovin' student back in the day. As in, I might still have all of my notes and tests from the class because I found it all so fascinating (yeah -- big dork). Anyway, we were chatting about how now she teaches a separate Cyber media law class (which was not offered when I was in school... because as we discussed yesterday, I am old). Ooooo, how I would love to take that course. It's only offered in the spring though, and I'm a tad late this year. Maybe that will be a goal for next year...