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the next day you're out

Well, today was my last fashion shoot at That's a tough one to swallow.

These shoots have been the hardest thing I've done in this job -- the thing I've learned the most from, the thing I'm most proud of, and the hardest to say goodbye to (next to my concert-photography access, that is). I can remember my first one in 2007 and I had no idea what I was doing -- just faking it. Now? Now I have an idea. A very strong idea (and opinions). Each shoot requires so much research and learning and inspiration ... it's the one area where I can still see myself growing, and that is awesome.

I would never want to work in the fashion industry full time, but man these quarterly shoots have been an amazingly fun challenge. And I have worked with some of the BEST people ever. This is the stuff I will really, really miss.

The issue drops in 2 weeks, so you can look for it then. I hope you like it as much as I do. And if you need a freelance art director to help you out with an awesome fashion shoot? Give me a call. I'd love to help.